Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Beach Baby

My babes and I have taken a slight hietus to relax at the beach, drink beers, bronze our bodies, and just relax.  I was very nervous that my first beach get-a-way with a baby would be a disaster.  I am used to getting to the beach, getting up by 10am, frying my body in the sand until at least 4pm when it is time to start boozing, bathing, and getting ready for a night out.  Things were a bit different this year but mostly, in a good way.  Having Brody to laugh at, look at, and play with made our beach days even more entertaining.  We are also so lucky to have a big family who loves my son immensely so they jumped at the chance to walk him, take him up for a nap, or let me and the hubby go out for a night of drinking.  Seriously, what would I do without the fam?

Brody was obsessed with the water.  I mean, a kid named Brody should love the beach, right?  If the penis didn't give it away, his attitude and actions scream BOY.  This kid was face diving into waves (p.s. he's 10 months old).  I am going to have a serious trouble maker and heart breaker on my hands.  I'm fine with the heart breaking...I'm not a fan of teenage skanks anyway.

So, without further ado...here are the latest and greatest of my little beach bum

Don't lie to yourself...this is the cutest baby ever.  I might not be able to have more kids because there is no way I can dublicate this cuteness.
That's right and hopefully his friends think so in 15 years when he's in high school.  I wouldn't mind be the hot mom.  Just saying...

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Real Housewives??

I have said it once and I'll say it again. I am obsessed with  Bravo and the Real Housewives.  It doesn't matter which season (even though I have my favorites), I get involved, intertwined, and obsessed with their catty fights, ridiculous lifestyles, and bitchy attitudes.  The Real Housewives of NYC is definitley my least favorite.  These women just annoy me.  I don't have a favorite or even a feeling that I could hang out with one of them for the day and have a great time.  This doesn't mean, however, that I don't watch every episode and have an opinion on their every move and attitude.

So...last night while I was straining my tired eyes to stay awake and watch the Reunion Show part 2, I found myself getting irritated.  As they went back and forth during the entire show (poor Andy Cohen) bitching and fighting, I was barely paying attention.  But then they started getting on Ramona and saying she has a drinking problem.  First of all, I will start by saying that I am not a super Ramona fan.  She is obnoxious and a little ridiculous but spunky and wants to have fun.  Regardless, they showed clips of her and her constant need, love, and demand of pinot grigio.  So?????  If these women think Ramona has a drinking problem, they themselves have mental problems.

The woman loves her some pinot...so do I.  As a matter of fact, I have a big glass of delicious Barefoot Pinot Grigio right now.

Why can't the woman have a glass (or 4) of wine at social events if she wants to?  I don't care if it's 10:00 in the morning or 10:00 at night.  If she wants some wine, give her some wine.  I expect some type of alcoholic beverage at any event I go to.  If I show up somewhere and it's a sober event, I am irritated.  I don't care if it's a breakfast, a baby shower, or my grandma's 85th birthday.  I demanded alcohol at my baby shower because I said I didn't want everyone else to suffer and be sober just because I had to be.  Does this make me an alcoholic?  Maybe I love my cocktails because I am a working mom of a 10 month old and my only connection to sanity is the large glass of wine I consume each night.  Maybe it's because I actually love the taste of wine and champagne.  Or maybe...just maybe, it's because I'm 27 years old and if I want a fucking drink, give me one. 

So Ramona, if you want these woman to butt out, just use my favorite phrase...DTMMB.  Don't Tell Me My Business.  I use this at home, at work, and with friends.  If you want wine, pour a glass and shout out DTMMB. 

With that, I'm off to finish this wine, finish some work, and start packing for my vacation that starts bright and early Friday morning.  I might even drink a mimosa on the way to the beach (the husband will be driving).  How do you like me now Jill Zarin?!