No, I am not an acclaimed critic or really an insane movie watcher who joins online movie reviews or follows movie blogs. Regardless, I am going to tell each and every one of you what I think about this movie. Unless you are a prude and hate fun, you MUST see it.
The title alone pulled me towards the movie theatre. This year, I am a bridesmaid in three weddings and already have another one lined up for 2012. Because of this, I know the craziness that can go on but especially, the emotions women go through when their friends are getting married. But also, I knew that with this group of actresses, it would be a funny film and I was ready for some raunchy laughs. Friends and co-workers, men and women alike, have told me how funny it is so I was prepared.
My mom, sister, and I ventured to a Sunday afternoon movie and in the first five minutes, I knew this was going to be great. The converstation, blunt honesty, and great combination of friends, family, and wedding craziness really made it a great, see again, movie.
Not to be a spoiler, but I just need to say how much I appreciated one character. Although I have only lived nine wonderful months with a son, I have already realized how the testosterone is taking over my house. Everything is trucks, blue, sports. We don't play delicately with toys...instead we throw them, bang our head on the ground, and laugh. One bridesmaid kept going on about her three sons and how she NEEDED to get out of the house. "You know, they get to that age and there is semen everywhere!" She begged for a Vegas bachelorette party so she could show off a hot, new tube top and hang out with some people with vaginas and boobs. I couldn't help but hysterically laugh as she went on and on about her sons.
If you don't like crude language, innapropriate converstaions, sex scenes, or won't like this movie. If you enjoy a little of the above, which I enjoy a lot of each, you are going to be as big a fan as I am.
Enjoy friends!
The last few weeks have been crazy for me. Between work, sick baby, sick hubby, and just life in general, it's been an absolute shit show. Although I'm not old in age (27 years young), I do believe that I am aged in life experiences. Yes, part of my life is just a puppy but there are things that this 27 year old has gone through that many 50+ years olds have yet to experience. In the last five years, my life has absolutely turned upside down. Some for the good, some for the horrible, and some just becaust that's what happens when you grow up. I have dealt with the death of a parent (my dad passed away almost 5 years ago), went through serious relationships and married my college sweet-heart, bought my first house, lived 10 fun filled months super prego and then experienced almost 48 hours of labor that ended in a C-section, and am now a working mom. Yeah...shit just got serious! So, during the last few weeks of crazy in my life, here is what I have learned. Please read, remember, and learn ladies (and gentlemen?)
1. Exercise really helps a stressful day
2. Once your child crawls, you will never pee or poop in peace again
3. No matter what, stay connected with your true friends
4. You're husband isn't ALWAYS wrong...cut him some slack
5. Don't sweat the small stuff (easier said than done with this crazy)
6. A blow job or a quickie is an easy way to end any fight
7. Wine heals all wounds
8. When your 9 month old has a double ear infections, don't expect to sleep
9. Dry shampoo is a lifesaver
10. Take a chill pill and your birth control pill every day
11. A potty mouth isn't always a bad thing...saying "fuck that shit" can sometimes make you feel better
12. One morning you'll wake up and realize that your sisters have turned into your best friends
13. As much as I say I want it, I don't know if I could be a stay-at-home mom
14. I kinda like being the only female in an all male office.
15. And last but not least...I'm one crazy bitch and the fact that I've found someone to love and live with me forever is a an absolute blessing!
So...this is my advice for the week. Take it or throw it right back at me, that's up to you. Happy weekend biatches!
Before I start writing/bitching, I want to ask all of my engaged, just married, or thinking of having a kid soon friends and followers to stop reading. Seriously. I want all of you to have kids and make beautiful little friends for my baby but if you read this, you might get off the baby bandwagon.
Yes, I said I have sick baby(S). This is because I have both a sick 9 month old son and a sick 27 year old husband. After being away all of last Saturday day and night for a friends crazy and fun bachelorette party in NYC, I drove home Sunday early afternoon to find two sick boys. The big boy with a cough and sinus infection and the baby boy with a teperature of 102. After squirting motrin and tylenol down his throat for hours and the temp going up, not down, I decided it was time to call the on call doctor. She told me that 104 (which the temp was now up to) was very high for an almost 9 month old and we needed to bring him to the emergency room. After a few hours of tests, monitoring, and more drugs, the fever came down and we were sent home with a miserable baby, a viral infection, a sinus infection, and directions to drug him full of motrin, tylenol, and anti-biotics. His fever came and went for two more days until it finally went away for good. I worked from home one day and took one day off because there was no way I could leave the pathetic little face. I am nursing my poor little baby back to health, my husband insists his case is getting worse, even on anti-biotics, and chugs Nyquil so he can get some sleep. I'm not saying I don't believe he's sick, he is. The thing is, when men are sick, it is like the entire world has ended. I was sick about a month ago and still worked every day, took care of a babe, and travelled to Florida for work for 3 days. Let's get serious hubs.
Since our little prince is waking up every 1-2 hours choking on the flem that is draining down his throat, there is no chance of sleep if he is not propped up, laying on my chest. So here we are in bed, a big baby on one side, coughing/sleeping and a little baby laying on me, twirling my hair into knots, screaming, and coughing. The little babe wakes up every few hours and Mommy is EXHAUSTED.
The hubby does, however, get enough strength and energy every few hours or so to try and take my shorts off or penis poke me in between the snob wiping and drug giving routine I have taken over for our son. Seriously?? Yes, you're hot. Yes, I would love to have sex with you. Please call/poke me after I have time to wipe the snot and eye goop out of my hair, off my chest, legs, arms, and stomach. How can guys be so sick that they literrally can barely breathe between coughs but still can feel good enough for a quickie? I am a hot mess and you're coughing up a lung and look like death. I'm totally turned on, just do me now...
By mid week...I had to go into work. I drug my poor son before shipping him off to the babysitters and then try to put enough make up on my face to make it look like I'm a semi-human and not a walking zombie. I'm not kidding when I say I am more tired right now than I ever was during infancy. Having one sick baby sucks and having two is even worse. All I want to do is drink an entire bottle of wine and sleep for 8 hours. Not happening.
Today I thought maybe if I did Brody's hair, he'd perk up a little. If I'm ever feeling down or sickly, a shower, some bronzer, and a serious hair straightening does the job for me. Not so much for this little guy...
My boys better get well soon because this working Moma can't handle it!
I have said it before and I will say it again...everyone looks better with a tan. It makes clothes look better, lip gloss look brighter, arms look slimmer, and it really just puts a smile on peoples faces. I would put money on the fact that most girls feel better about themselves in the summer time vs. winter simply due to the fact that their skin has a tint of gold.
Although I am obsessed with being tan, I'm not obsessed with the fact that I has a little skin cancer scare last year. I am irish, I have freckles, and I had a very small basel cell on my eye lid. Everything is fine, they removed it with ease and you would never be able to tell it was there. BUT...I am now more cautious when it comes to bronzing. I refuse to be pale but am not a moron. I know that it isn't smart for me to fry my skin like I did during spring break so many years ago. Because of this, I have discovered spray tanning and I'm hooked! I usually go to a salon near my house, pay my $25 and stand in a booth for 10 seconds as a cool mist covers my body. It's quick, easy, and within minutes, I'm tan. I could seriously do this once a week (the tan lasts about 5 days). When I saw that one of my high school friends is now doing spray tanning as a little side business, I jumped at the opportunity to gather my girlfriends and introduce them to my new found love.
I mean seriously, if someone is going to have a house party, do they really want to sit in your living room, look at baskets or tupperware, and sip on soda? No way. Who wouldn't pay $20 to get tan and tipsy. I provided the wine and the girls brought over their pale, make-up less bodies to get bronze. My friend set up her pop up tanning tent in my basement and we took turns going downstairs, stripping down, and having her tan us. As you can probably tell through my writing, I'm not a modest person. I opted to get sprayed in a thong and nothing else. I think my next venture will be completely nude. You don't have to bare it all, you can wear a bathing suit, bra and undies, whatever you feel comfortable in. It seriously was the perfect Thursday night. Friends, several bottles of wine, and a beautiful tan. I couldn't ask for more.
20 minutes before this...I was the palest thing you have ever seen. OBSESSED with the spray tan.
Yes! That is me, my sister, and my trusty running partner right after we kicked some serious ass in my first race PB (post Brody). I was definitley nervous leading up to this. I had only ran 6 miles once pb and knew that the course would be a little more hilly than my typical 4-5 mile run on the running trail. But...when you subtract the 30+ pounds of baby and running stroller that is part of my regular training routine, my body felt light as a feather.
It was a perfect morning for a run and a perfect start to a summer full of training for a half marathon in October. Bring it on competitions...this mama is ready!