Thursday, June 30, 2011

Movie Review

No, I am not an acclaimed critic or really an insane movie watcher who joins online movie reviews or follows movie blogs.  Regardless, I am going to tell each and every one of you what I think about this movie.  Unless you are a prude and hate fun, you MUST see it.

The title alone pulled me towards the movie theatre.  This year, I am a bridesmaid in three weddings and already have another one lined up for 2012.  Because of this, I know the craziness that can go on but especially, the emotions women go through when their friends are getting married.  But also, I knew that with this group of actresses, it would be a funny film and I was ready for some raunchy laughs.  Friends and co-workers, men and women alike, have told me how funny it is so I was prepared.

My mom, sister, and I ventured to a Sunday afternoon movie and in the first five minutes, I knew this was going to be great.  The converstation, blunt honesty, and great combination of friends, family, and wedding craziness really made it a great, see again, movie. 

Not to be a spoiler, but I just need to say how much I appreciated one character.  Although I have only lived nine wonderful months with a son, I have already realized how the testosterone is taking over my house.  Everything is trucks, blue, sports.  We don't play delicately with toys...instead we throw them, bang our head on the ground, and laugh.  One bridesmaid kept going on about her three sons and how she NEEDED to get out of the house.  "You know, they get to that age and there is semen everywhere!"  She begged for a Vegas bachelorette party so she could show off a hot, new tube top and hang out with some people with vaginas and boobs.  I couldn't help but hysterically laugh as she went on and on about her sons.

If you don't like crude language, innapropriate converstaions, sex scenes, or won't like this movie.  If you enjoy a little of the above, which I enjoy a lot of each, you are going to be as big a fan as I am.

Enjoy friends!

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