Friday, June 24, 2011

Things I've learned...

The last few weeks have been crazy for me.  Between work, sick baby, sick hubby, and just life in general, it's been an absolute shit show.  Although I'm not old in age (27 years young), I do believe that I am aged in life experiences.  Yes, part of my life is just a puppy but there are things that this 27 year old has gone through that many 50+ years olds have yet to experience.  In the last five years, my life has absolutely turned upside down.  Some for the good, some for the horrible, and some just becaust that's what happens when you grow up.  I have dealt with the death of a parent (my dad passed away almost 5 years ago), went through serious relationships and married my college sweet-heart, bought my first house, lived 10 fun filled months super prego and then experienced almost 48 hours of labor that ended in a C-section, and am now a working mom.  Yeah...shit just got serious!  So, during the last few weeks of crazy in my life, here is what I have learned.  Please read, remember, and learn ladies (and gentlemen?)

1.  Exercise really helps a stressful day
2.  Once your child crawls, you will never pee or poop in peace again
3.  No matter what, stay connected with your true friends
4.  You're husband isn't ALWAYS wrong...cut him some slack
5.  Don't sweat the small stuff (easier said than done with this crazy)
6.  A blow job or a quickie is an easy way to end any fight
7.  Wine heals all wounds
8.  When your 9 month old has a double ear infections, don't expect to sleep
9.  Dry shampoo is a lifesaver
10.  Take a chill pill and your birth control pill every day
11.  A potty mouth isn't always a bad thing...saying "fuck that shit" can sometimes make you feel better
12.  One morning you'll wake up and realize that your sisters have turned into your best friends
13.  As much as I say I want it, I don't know if I could be a stay-at-home mom
14.  I kinda like being the only female in an all male office.
15.  And last but not least...I'm one crazy bitch and the fact that I've found someone to love and live with me forever is a an absolute blessing!

So...this is my advice for the week.  Take it or throw it right back at me, that's up to you.  Happy weekend biatches! 

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